The effects and risks of climate change are compelling young people the world round to call upon radical system change as the only solution to avoid a catastrophic collapse.
Fairytales of Growth looks at the role economic growth has had in bringing about this crisis, and explores the alternatives to it, offering a vision of hope for the future and a better life for all within planetary boundaries.

We've been translated into 8 different languages: Bulgarian, Estonian, French, German, Italian, Korean, Romanian & Spanish

Fairytales of Growth has screened in Australia (University of South Australia, Swanpool Environmental Film Fesitval), Austria (Vienna International Degrowth Conference), Belgium (Docu-Talk), Bulgaria (Summer Festival of Documentary Cinema), Chile (Resistencia Film Fest), Colombia (UniValle, Cali), Croatia (9th International Degrowth Conference), Czech Republic (Ekofilm Festival), Denmark (Roskilde University), England (XR Occupy Imperial, London Eco Film Festival, XR Hammersmith & Fulham), France (Festival Résistances), Germany (AG Nachhaltigkeit, Evangelische Studienwerk Villigst), India (Tata Institue of Social Sciences, L'Age D'Or International Arthouse Film Festival, Buddha Film Festival, Luis Buñuel Film Festival), Italy (Italia Green Film Festival), Portugal (Umundu Lx Festival), Romania (Trifoi Fest), South Korea (Green Asia Network Climate Change Cine-Talk), Spain (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Associació GENS, Servei Civil Internacional, Fusion International Film Festival), Saudi Arabia (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), Scotland (Findhorn Ecovillage, Leith Community Crops and Pots, Glasgow University Real World Economic Society), Sweden (Lund University Degrowth Reading Group) and the USA (Culture Unplugged - The Global Feminine Film Fest, ImpactDoc, Best Shorts, INDIE Fest, Colorado Environmental Film Festival, Amazing Earthfest!, Oregon State).
Please get in touch to organise a screening or Q&A!